
第28回 Anesthesia Morning Café – Professor’s Wake-Up Bibble-Babble





A. 筋弛緩維持への有用性

1. Bruintjes MH, van Helden EV, Braat AE, et al. Deep neuromuscular block to optimize surgical space conditions during laparoscopic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Anaesth. 2017; 118: 834-842.



2. Ziatkowski-Michaud J, Mazard T,  Delignette MC, et al. Neuromuscular monitoring and neuromuscular blocking agent shortages when treating critically ill COVID-19 patients: a multicentre retrospective analysis. Br J Anaesth 2021; 127: e73-5


3. Iwasaki H, Kurosawa A, Iida T, et al. Use of intraoperative neuromuscular monitor reduces the reversal dose of sugammadex: a single-center retrospective study. J Anesth 2020; 34: 276-80. 



B. 筋弛緩からの回復における有用性


4. Eikermann M,  Vogt FM, Herbstreit F, et al. The predisposition to inspiratory upper airway collapse during partial neuromuscular blockade. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007; 175: 9-15


5. Cedborg AI, Sundman E, Bodén K, et al. Pharyngeal function and breathing pattern during partial neuromuscular block in the elderly: effects on airway protection. Anesthesiology 2014; 120: 312-25



6. Broens SJL, Boon M, Martini CH, et al. Reversal of partial neuromuscular block and the ventilatory response to hypoxia: A randomized controlled trial in healthy volunteers. Anesthesiology. 2019; 131: 467-76



7. Kotake Y, Ochiai R, Suzuki T, et al. Reversal with sugammadex in the absence of monitoring did not preclude residual neuromuscular block. Anesth Analg 2013; 117: 345-51



8. Domenech G, Kampel MA, García Guzzo ME, et al. Usefulness of intra-operative neuromuscular blockade monitoring and reversal agents for postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade: a retrospective observational study. BMC Anesthesiol 2019; 19: 143

術中に客観的筋弛緩モニタリングを実施し、かつ拮抗薬を投与すると、非モニタリング+拮抗薬投与群と比較して、PACU到着時の残存筋弛緩率が有意に減少する(1.6% vs 32%)。


C. 術後合併症を回避するために

9. Bulka CM, Terekhov MA, Martin BJ, et al. Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents, reversal, and risk of postoperative pneumonia. Anesthesiology 2016; 125: 647-55



10. Errando CL, Garutti I, Mazzinari G, et al. Residual neuromuscular blockade in the postanesthesia care unit: observational cross-sectional study of a multicenter cohort Minerva Anestesiol 2016; 82: 1267-77

PACU入室後、残存筋弛緩にある患者では、呼吸抑制や低酸素血症などの呼吸器イベントが有意に増加する(6.8% vs 2.7% オッズ比2.6)。


11. Patrocínio MD, Shay D, Rudolph MI, et al. REsidual neuromuscular block prediction score versus train-of-four ratio and respiratory outcomes: A retrospective cohort study. Anesth Analg 2021; 133: 610-9


12. Martinez-Ubieto J, Ortega-Lucea S, Pascual-Bellosta A, et al. Prospective study of residual neuromuscular block and postoperative respiratory complications in patients reversed with neostigmine versus sugammadex. Minerva Anestesiol 2016; 82: 735-42



13. Grabitz SD, Rajaratnam N, Chhagani,K, et al. The effects of postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade on hospital costs and intensive care unit admission: A population-based cohort study.  Anesth Analg 2019; 128: 1129–36

14. Edwards LA, Ly N, Shinefeld Jet al. Universal quantitative neuromuscular blockade monitoring at an academic medical center—A multimodal analysis of the potential impact on clinical outcomes and total cost of care. Perioper Care Oper Room Manag 2021; 24: 100184
米国外科学会が主導している ACS-NSQIP(American College of Surgeons, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program)を用いた観察研究にて、術後残存筋弛緩にて合併症が生じた患者は5.4%、それに対して残存筋弛緩が生じていない患者での合併症比率は1.8%であった。もし残存筋弛緩が回避されれば、それに起因する合併症は66%減となる。実際に合併症のない患者での平均医療費は14,522ドル、肺炎や予定外の再挿管が生じると50,895ドルと増大する。つまり客観的筋弛緩モニタリングを活用し、残存筋弛緩を回避すれば、年間4.6百万ドル軽減できる計算となる。